What’s happening?
We are asking you and organisations to omit the blood-type letters A, B, and O from your names and brands, to raise public awareness on blood donation and to encourage more people to step forward for this worthy cause.
Every day, more than 350 bags of blood are needed to save lives. This works out to an average of a bag of blood needed every 4 minutes. Blood is needed not only in times of emergency, but also during peacetime where it sustains the lives of patients with leukaemia, thalassaemia and bleeding disorders, or patients who are undergoing major surgery. With our rapidly ageing population and expansion of healthcare facilities, the demand for blood is expected to grow annually.
Your support will be critical in ensuring that more eligible donors make blood donation a regular part of their lives.
The Missing Type campaign runs rom 4-9 July 2017.
How to participate?
- Upload social media posts of photos of your organisation’s branding or any items associated with your brand (e.g. packaging, retail front) with the any of the letters A, B, and O covered or obscured (can be digitally obscured) on 4-9 July.
- Include links to our Missing Type campaign page (redcross.sg/missingtypeg) on your social media platforms on 4-9 July.
- [Where feasible] Remove any of the letters A, B, and O from your web-based/digital communication platforms for at least 24 hours from 4 July
- [Where feasible] Cover any of the letters A, B, and O from your organisation’s physical signages in high-traffic areas for at least 24 hours from 4 July.
Sample captions for your social media posts:
- I’ve dropped my As/Os/Bs to support the #MissingTypeSG campaign. You can do the same too and help spread the word about blood donation: redcross.sg/missingtypesg. #MissingTypeSG
- I’ve dropped my As/Os/Bs to support the National Blood Programme. Join me to help spread the word about blood donation. Learn more on redcross.sg/missingtypesg #MissingTypeSG
- I’m supporting the National Blood Programme. Are you the #MissingTypeSG? Find out more on redcross.sg/missingtypesg. #MissingTypeSG
- You could save lives by helping others replace their #MissingTypeSG. Find out more on redcross.sg/missingtypesg. #MissingTypeSG
- Do you have the #MissingTypeSG? Drop the As, Bs, and Os from your name and show your support! Find out more on redcross.sg/missingtypesg. #MissingTypeSG
How else can I help?
Be a blood donor or become a volunteer!
Turn your social media activation into real action! Check out your basic eligibility here or give us a call at 6220 0183. If you are interested to support the National Blood Programme in other ways, visit this link to find out the roles and responsibilities a Red Cross volunteer can hold.
Outside of the campaign, your organisation can also support blood donation through publicity sponsorship (e.g. blood donation infographics in your newsletters and social media platforms) or by partnering us to organise roadshows or blood donation drives on your premises.
For enquiries, write in to us at donate.blood@redcross.sg or speak to any of our Donor Managers at 6220 0183.