9th Singapore Humanitarian Conference by the Singapore Red Cross

9th Singapore Humanitarian Conference by the Singapore Red Cross:
Hands Unite, Hearts Ignite: Action with Compassion

This year’s annual Singapore Humanitarian Conference seeks to illuminate the challenges faced by vulnerable communities worldwide and foster greater global cooperation. The conference aims to inspire meaningful discussions and the exchange of innovative ideas, to build a more inclusive and supportive humanitarian landscape. This event brings together esteemed speakers from the public and private sectors, NGOs, and the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. Hosted at the prestigious Sands Expo and Convention Centre, with generous sponsorship from Marina Bay Sands, this event promises to be a pivotal gathering for those dedicated to humanitarian action and compassionate service.


Date: Saturday, 3 August 2024

Guest of Honor: Mr Chan Chun Sing, Minister for Education Singapore

Time: 09:00 - 13:10

Venue: Level 04, Peony Ballroom - Sands Expo and Convention Center

For further queries, email us at singaporehc@redcross.sg.

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