The palpable excitement lingered at the Red Cross House's Hall of Humanity on the morning of 4 December. Children and youth of the Singapore Red Cross (SRC) Young Hearts programme gathered in anticipation of the Christmas party and Graduation ceremony.
Jointly organised by BIOTRONIK and the SRC, the Christmas party and Graduation ceremony recognised the children's and youth's dedication and diligence in their studies. Thanks to the Young Hearts programme, several children have embraced positive attitudes and behaviours and significantly improved their grades, thanks to the Young Hearts programme. By leveraging education, enrichment, and excursions provided within a supportive environment, the SRC offers children from disadvantaged backgrounds with the opportunities to thrive. Through the creation of resources and opportunities, guidance and cherished mentorship from positive role models, the children and youth bolster their cognitive abilities and nurture their motivation to advance in life.
Ms Karine Tan, Associate Director of Community Engagement, extended a warm welcome to the children and youth of the Young Hearts Programme, and expressed appreciation to BIOTRONIK's employees for co-organising the Christmas party and graduation ceremony for the children and the youth.
To kick off the activities, staff from BIOTRONIK joined the children in an engaging icebreaker game, sparking laughter and setting a vibrant tone for the day. Following the game, the graduation ceremony ensued for the children and youth from Primary 1 to Secondary 4.
On stage, each graduating student proudly received a certificate and a graduation bear from Mr Kenneth Chew, General Manager of BIOTRONIK, Ms Wendy Chan, BIOTRONIK's Senior Director of Finance and Human Resources, and some BIOTRONIK employees. For several students, it was their maiden experience receiving recognition onstage - a moment of pride and encouragement. Through the graduation ceremony, the Young Hearts team aspires to encourage the children and youth to continue pursuing their studies with diligence, dedication and tenacity. These attributes would stand them in good stead to do well now, and in the future.
One standout student, 12-year-old Jonathan Tan, was recognised as the overall top performer of the year. Jonathan embodies resilience and determination. As the eldest in his family, he shoulders the responsibility of caring for his younger siblings while his parents work tirelessly. Despite these challenges, Jonathan has excelled as a well-rounded student - diligent, motivated and kind.
Through the Young Hearts Programme, he found a safe space to grow and thrive, forming friendships and receiving guidance from teachers who have become his trusted mentors. Their support has empowered him to overcome life’s obstacles and achieve academic success in Mathematics and Science, paving the way for him to advance to the Express stream next year.
“Thank you for guiding me and motivating me, Teacher Alif! I am so happy that I passed all my subjects,” said Jonathan excitedly after receiving his certificate and graduation from the BIOTRONIK employee.
One of the event's highlights was a photo booth with a black backdrop embellished with gold streaks, exuding glitz, glamour and festivity. The children’s enchantment was evident, as they posed for photos with props such as crowns, face masks and hats with zestful vigour and youthful exuberance. Their radiant smiles spoke volumes about how much they enjoyed themselves at the graduation ceremony
Following lunch, the children, youth and BIOTRONIK employees played more games and posed for several photos as mementoes. Ms Chan delivered the closing remarks to encourage the students to embrace tenacity to navigate the challenges they may encounter in life.
As the event drew to a close, the children and youth received specially curated packages, sponsored by BIOTRONIK, comprising a school bag, stationery, and a water bottle.
Congratulations to all the children and youth for their tireless efforts to excel in their studies, notwithstanding the adversities they confront in their young lives. It was heartening to witness their academic, social, and emotional progress and development.