A Leader who Inspires Others to Join This Lifesaving Cause

Vignesa Moorthy, Chief Executive Officer of ViewQwest, followed his father's footsteps to become a regular donor despite his aversion to needles. Now, he leads by example, encouraging his employees to join him in this lifesaving cause. 

As a child, Vignesa Moorthy witnessed his father, a former regular blood donor, collecting medallions. He also reminisced about the times when the employees of the Bloodbank acknowledged his father’s contributions. Those recollections left an indelible mark on him. Inspired by his father's selfless dedication to blood donation, Vignesa, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ViewQwest, followed in his father's footsteps and became a regular blood donor. 

Overcoming His Aversion to Needles to Becoming a Regular Blood Donor

Yet, becoming a blood donor was not without its stumbling blocks. Vignesa had to overcome his aversion to needles. He eventually triumphed over his disinclination to needles by embracing a simple tactic.

“I turn away when they bring the needles out so I don’t see what’s going on,” he said. 

He overcomes the discomfort by focusing on the bigger picture—the life-saving impact of each blood donation. Having conquered his fear, Vignesa soon became a regular blood donor. 

As a regular blood donor, he derives intrinsic pride and fulfillment in helping others without expectation or recognition. Perceiving that regular blood donation is a profoundly rewarding act of service, Vignesa has incorporated this quiet act of service as a meaningful habit that fuels his ongoing commitment. 

“There is this sense of inner pride and satisfaction in helping someone in need, without seeking appreciation. Helping someone in need can be very fulfilling. This keeps me donating. Over the years, it has become a habit and I automatically plan my schedule for the next donation after each blood donation," he said.

Nurses' Professionalism Brings Assurance

Apart from the noble cause of saving lives, the nurses' professionalism and dedication to ensuring the blood donors' well-being assured him he was in excellent hands. 

He recollected an occasion when a nurse hastened to his aid.

“Once, I skipped breakfast before my blood donation. During my donation, a nurse realised I looked faint and approached me with a refreshment. The employees' attentiveness and recognition make the whole donation experience pleasant,” Vignesa said.

He was grateful that the nurse's timely intervention averted his collapse. This was a testament to the nurses' unwavering commitment to ensuring donors have a pleasant blood donation experience. 

Roping in Employees on this Lifesaving Journey

Besides donating blood, Vignesa has also gone the extra mile to rope his colleagues from ViewQwest to engage in group blood donations over several years. He forged a strong camaraderie and rapport with his colleagues, united by the common lifesaving cause. 

His strategy to get them to join him on blood donation outings was to offer a meal before the blood donation.

“I promise them a delightful meal first. It’s an excuse for us to go out together!” he quipped.

Undeniably, he acknowledges that some people may have concerns or fears about blood donation. 

"With some positive encouragement, some were keen to try. After that initial hurdle, most were eager to donate blood again. They just required someone to plan and schedule it for them,” Vignesa said.

Organising Official Blood Drives

Yet, there has been a paradigm shift in the planning and scheduling of blood drives, spurred by an unexpected discovery. Previously, ViewQwest would organise group bookings at one of the Bloodbanks, and arrange the logistics to transport employees to the Bloodbank for their blood donation. At one of the Bloodbanks, they learnt that the Singapore Red Cross provides shuttle services for at least 10 people to donate blood at the Bloodbank. They also learnt that companies can organise mobile blood drives at the company's premises. Now, his company organises mobile blood drives at its office premises. 

This supportive approach has proven effective in creating a more consistent group of blood donors within the company.

When asked about the rationale for companies to organise blood donation drives, Vignesa offers a clear perspective, "Would it not be amazing if companies existed not purely for commerce, but also to make a positive impact on society?"

Indeed, it would benefit society if corporations were not driven solely by the rat race of striving for profitability and financial gain, but also by the urge to save lives. Leaders can take the lead by exemplifying their commitment to save lives. That may create a ripple effect on the employees, who may embrace blood donation as part of a corporation's culture. 

He underscored the ease of spearheading corporate blood drives. As it only takes an hour quarterly, he perceives blood donation as an impactful way for teams to unite and make a tangible difference in the community. 

“Blood donation is more than just a corporate initiative. It is a meaningful way for teams to come together and save lives. There’s no better reason to feel good about doing this," he said.

His message to other corporate leaders? "What are you waiting for?"

By Cherie Aw, Intern
Copyedited by Sondra Foo, Marketing & Communications

Inspired? To donate blood or organise a blood drive, check out giveblood.sg.

We offer free two-way corporate shuttle bus for group bookings of ≥10 pax.