
The work of the Red Cross in Singapore began on 30 September 1949 as a branch of the British Red Cross. On 6 April 1973, it was incorporated as an Act of Parliament and became known as the Singapore Red Cross (SRC).

The SRC is governed by a 19-member Council headed by a Chairman who is appointed by the President of the Republic of Singapore, the Patron of the SRC. The Council is responsible for pursuing the objectives of the SRC as laid down by the Act of Parliament and its Constitution. The Council has four oversight committees providing the relevant advice and expertise; namely the Finance and Investment, Audit, Corporate Governance and Nomination and Human Resource and Compensation Committees.

The general management of the SRC is overseen by the Management Committee, headed by the Secretary General / Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the SRC. The Secretariat, headed by the Secretary General / CEO, implements the policies and directives laid down by the Council.

The Secretariat is organised into three divisions; Operations, Foundation departments and the Red Cross Youth. The strength and commitment of our volunteer corps is critical for the realisation of our vision and to carry out our vision. Volunteers and staff work closely together in planning, organising and implementing the activities and programmes of the SRC.

In 2013, SRC was awarded the Charity Governance Award which honours charities that have adopted the highest standards of governance and implemented the best practices to ensure sustained effectiveness.

Charity Governance Awards 2013

Consecutively in 2016 and 2017, as well as 2023, we received the Charity Transparency Award for being one of the nation's best governed charities. These awards attest to SRC's commitment in upholding the highest standards in transparency — a key pillar in governance.

Code of Conduct 

CoC edited