Become a member

365 days a year, Singapore Red Cross works with dedicated volunteers, donors, partners and employees to provide critical services to thousands of beneficiaries in need of help. The force behind our local and international efforts, our volunteers make a difference to those in need - the elderly, the disabled, children & youth, and others who fall through the cracks of society.

You can be the one to make a difference to these communities by volunteering with us!

Singapore Red Cross Membership

At the Singapore Red Cross, we offer two types of memberships*

- Subscribing Members and Lifetime Members.

*Please note that you would need to register as a volunteer before applying for the membership.
However, all registered volunteers between 9 to 35 years old will automatically be eligible and classified as Youth Members.

Ordinary Membership


Requires payment of membership fee:
Subscribing: S$100 every 5 years • Lifetime: one-time fee of S$350 • Must be 18 years old and above

  • e-Membership card (Volunteer Portal)
  • Membership handbook & package
  • Invited for members-only events (e.g. Annual General Meeting)
  • Able to stand for election, speak, vote, nominate, and hold elective office in the Council and Operating Committees or Advisory Panels
  • Update on e-copies of SRC newsletters and Annual Report

Members' Benefits Life Member Subscribing Member

Standard First Aid + AED by Singapore Red Cross Academy

30% Training Fee Discount

15% Training Fee Discount

Psychological First Aid Training by Singapore Red Cross Academy

50% Training Fee Discount

20% Training Fee Discount

Overseas Disaster Deployment Training (ODDT) by Global Engagement

25% Training Fee Discount

10% Training Fee Discount

Retail Discount at Shop+

40% One-Time Birthday Discount*
20% Discount on Regular-priced items* 20% Discount on Regular-priced items*

*Shop+ Terms & Conditions:

  • Minimum purchase of S$20.00
  • Applicable to all retail locations and online channels
  • Discount not applicable on promotion sales merchandise
  • Discount not applicable on SRC merchandise

For volunteer/membership enquiry:

Call Us Email Us

Make a difference with your voice and vote to make a change!

Ordinary Members have the rights to participate in all activities of the Society and are eligible to attend the Annual General Meeting (provided that Members have attained their 18th birthday at the time of the Meeting).

As a Member at the AGM, you can speak, vote, nominate, second nominations and hold elective office. The AGM is a great platform to learn more about how non-profit organisations operate.