Eligibility Quiz

Take the 1 minute quiz to find out if you can donate blood!

Question 1

Are you 16 – 60 years old? (Age is determined by birthday. Parental consent is needed for 16 and 17 year olds — go.gov.sg/hsaparentalconsentform)

For your own safety, you need to be between 16 - 60 years old in order to donate blood. Thank you!

There are other ways you can contribute to the National Blood Programme.

How else can I help?

Question 2

Are you above 45kg?

For your own safety, you have to be at least 45kg in order to donate blood. Thank you!

There are other ways you can contribute to the National Blood Programme.

How else can I help?

Question 3

Are you generally in good health? (No symptoms of infection for at least one week, e.g. sore throat, cough, flu, diarrhoea, and no fever in the last 4 weeks)

For your own safety, you need to be in good health before you give blood. If you’ve had some symptoms of infection such as sore throat, cough, flu, or diarrhoea, please wait for 1 week after recovery. If you’ve had fever, please wait for 4 weeks after recovery. Please call us at 6220 0183 should you have any query. Thank you!

Question 4

Have you visited or lived in the United Kingdom between 1980 and 1996 for a cumulative period of 3 months or longer? Have you visited or lived in France since 1980 for a cumulative period of 5 years or longer? Visit HSA - "Mad Cow Disease (Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease)"

For your own safety, you are not eligible to donate blood at the moment.

Please call us at 6220 0183 should you have any query. Thank you!

Question 5

Are you experiencing heavy menstrual flow or cramps? Are you pregnant or breastfeeding your child now?

If you have had simple dental work (e.g. scaling and filing), please wait for 1 day.

If you have done a tooth extraction, please wait for 3 days after treatment.

If you’ve had wisdom tooth surgical extraction, please wait for 3 months before donating blood.

Please call us at 6220 0183  should you have any query. Thank you!

Question 6

Have you done dental work recently? Visit HSA - Dental Work

You will need to wait 3 days after your last consumption of herbal supplements or traditional herbal remedies. Thank you!

Question 7

Have you taken herbal supplements or traditional herbal remedies recently?

Please wait for 1 year before you are eligible to donate blood. Thank you!

(Note: if the piercing or tattoo was done with disposable needles, there is no deferral.)

Question 8

Have you had a piercing or a tattoo recently, done with non-disposable needles?

Sorry, you are not eligible to donate blood. Please visit HSA Donor Criteria for more information. Thank you!

Question 9

Do you have diabetes or hypertension (high blood pressure) for which you are taking more than a single medication?

If you have recently travelled to a malaria endemic area, you will need to wait 4 months from the date of return. Please visit HSA Overseas Travel Criteria for more information. Thank you

Question 10

Have you travelled overseas to a malaria-endemic area in the past 4 months? (Visit https://www.hsa.gov.sg/blood-donation/can-i-donate under Overseas for more info.))

Sorry, you are not eligible to donate blood. Please visit HSA Overseas Travel Criteria for more information. Thank you!


You are not eligible to donate blood at the moment.

Yes! You Can Be A Blood Hero!

You are eligible* to donate blood! Book your appointment here (SingPass required) or call us at 6220 0183.

(*Beside these basic requirements, there are other factors to consider before donating blood. Find out here. For more information on blood donation criteria, please visit hsa.gov.sg/donor_criteria)