Your Blood Sustains My Life

Born with Beta Thalassemia Major, Amirah Arman pens her heartfelt appreciation to blood donors for their gift of life. 

I was born with Beta Thalassemia Major, a genetic blood disorder where my body produces abnormal haemoglobin.

Without regular blood transfusions, going about my daily activities is a struggle as I experience severe fatigue and weakness. I started my monthly blood transfusions when I was seven. Now, I am 27. For 20 years, I have been benefitting from regular blood transfusions. As I grow older, I go for blood transfusions every three weeks.

Sometimes, when I learn about the low blood stocks in Singapore, I am gripped by apprehension, fearful that I could not get sufficient blood for my day-to-day activities. I believe other thalassemia patients also share my concerns.

I recall when I was younger, there was an instance where A+ blood stocks were low and I had obtained O+ blood instead. Given limited blood supplies, instead of receiving three packs of blood that I normally received, I received two. I felt weaker when I received two packs of blood.

Recently, during the period when A+ and O+ blood stocks were low, I fervently prayed that people would donate blood to us.

Blood supplies are not merely for those with chronic illnesses but also for people who met with accidents, undergo surgeries, and need urgent blood transfusions.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. When I see people with their cute bandages, (please continue giving the cute bandages to them!) I truly appreciate the blood donors for their gift of life! Their contributions keep us going!

When you donate blood, please know that you are saving many of us. WE APPRECIATE YOU.


Keen to donate blood or organise a blood drive? Click here.