A group of passionate and committed DBS Bank employees volunteered to feed, interact and clean the wheelchairs of the residents of the Red Cross Home for the Disabled at RCHD's premises on 8 January 2024. We share some of the highlights of that engagement session.
“It was heartbreaking to see them in that state. It taught me how to be content with what I have, and not to take anything for granted. Thank you DBS Customer Centre (CCTR) for giving me the chance to volunteer at the Red Cross Home for the Disabled,” said Ms Annabelle Ho, Customer Service Officer, DBS Bank.
"Volunteering at the Red Cross Home for the Disabled has been a humbling journey of compassion and connection. In giving, I found strength in empathy and discovered unity. I am grateful for the opportunity to share this meaningful journey with my department, where compassion unites us and every act of kindness echoes beyond walls," said Mr Muhammad Sufiyan, People Engagement Manager, DBS Customer Centre, DBS Bank.
"Volunteering at the Red Cross Home for the Disabled helped me to regain my sense of purpose. It feels good to give back to the community and be a part of something bigger than myself. I forged new friendships and strengthened the relationship with my team members!" said Ms Avon Lu, People Development Specialist, DBS Bank.
Photos by Allan Tee, volunteer photographer