Singapore, 24 December 2018 - In response to the tsunami following a volcanic eruption that hit the coast around the Sunda Straits in Indonesia on 22 December 2018, the Singapore Red Cross (SRC) will, in the first instance, extend S$50,000 in humanitarian aid to support affected communities. The contribution will support disaster recovery efforts and fund the purchase and distribution of relief items, including water filtration systems, blankets, sleeping mats and household kits.
The Palang Merah Indonesia (“PMI” - Indonesian Red Cross) has been on the frontline of search and rescue efforts, providing emergency disaster relief. SRC remains in close contact with PMI and its partners in Indonesia, and has readied a 2-person advance response team for relief distribution and ground assessment. The team will depart in next day or two, to support the PMI in its relief work.
Mr Benjamin William, Secretary General and CEO of Singapore Red Cross, said, “We are deeply saddened that the people of Indonesia have experienced the third major natural disaster to hit the country in the past six months. Our priority at present lies in supporting PMI’s efforts to provide critical aid for survivors. Besides the immediate needs, the responders are also anticipating and preparing for the possibility of infectious disease outbreak in affected areas. Red Cross and various humanitarian agencies have been working hard to mitigate the series of Indonesian disasters this year and we continue to stand ready, to assist our friends during this difficult time.”
On 22 December at 2127 hours, high tide/tsunami struck Carita Beach in Banten Province, and hit the coast around the Sunda Strait, particularly in Pandenglang, South Lampung and Serang districts. The Singapore Red Cross’ International Services team has been closely monitoring the situation across affected areas over the weekend. As of 23 December 2018, there are 222 fatalities and 843 injured. To date, the PMI has deployed 22 units of ambulance (with medical crew), 14 water trucks (eight units for Lampung province and six units for Banten province), five mobile clinic teams (three teams to Banten and two teams to Lampung), and two units of helicopters for search and rescue operations. PMI will be providing a more detailed assessment report and plan of action, later today.
Sunda Straits Tsunami Response
The Singapore Red Cross is not launching a public appeal at this time, but welcomes donations, which will go towards the purchase of relief items for displaced survivors; and longer-term recovery and rebuilding efforts.
Online Donation - Make an online donation here
Cash donation - Red Cross House, 15 Penang Lane, Singapore 238486 (Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm)
Cheque donation - Please make cheque payable to ‘Singapore Red Cross Society’, to be posted to the above address. Please leave your name, postal address and indicate “Sunda Straits Tsunami 2018” at the back of your cheque.
- Donations to overseas efforts are not tax-deductible.
- In the event that donations exceed the expenses incurred by Singapore Red Cross in this specific disaster response, any surplus or unspent money, after 3 years from the date of inception of the fund, can be used to prepare for and serve communities affected by other disasters or may be used to complement or to sustain projects undertaken by SRC in helping the vulnerable in areas affected by disasters.
Restoring Family Links
The Singapore Red Cross has activated its“Restoring Family Links” (RFL) service to assist Singaporeans and Indonesians to locate their immediate family members who may have been affected by the disaster with whom they have difficulty in contacting. Call 6664 0536 or email rfl@redcross.sg for assistance.
Photo Credit: Palang Merah Indonesia