Community-Led Action for REsilience (C.L.A.R.E.)


Community-Led Action for REsilience (C.L.A.R.E.) mobilises and empowers community volunteers to care for and build resilience of the vulnerable, through outreach and humanitarian services.  

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C.L.A.R.E. provides a robust district-based network of first response and community support that is sustainable on the basis of localised aid and resilience-building – a model that is vastly different from the common approach of centralised aid and reduces the reliance on social workers. Through this network and partnership with community organisations, SRC identifies gaps to fill and complement existing services with its local community services.




C.L.A.R.E. volunteers are trained and empowered to be citizen first responders, to provide first aid, eldercare and befriending services to vulnerable groups in their community.

Community volunteers visit the beneficiaries twice a month to engage and befriend. Whenever there are unmet needs, the volunteers will introduce appropriate Singapore Red Cross’ (SRC) humanitarian services and link up. C.L.A.R.E also opens doors for those in need to access various assistance schemes available in their neighbourhood, as well as critical Red Cross services such as TransportAid, FoodAid and ElderAid.

“With C.L.A.R.E., the Singapore Red Cross’ services and volunteers are now geographically-based. Volunteers who might previously not be aware of people needing help in the same neighbourhood are now connected with these groups. C.L.A.R.E. provides a platform to connect volunteers and beneficiaries living within close proximities, allowing a more efficient community service network. I believe this would create a more caring and cohesive society.”

Mr Mohamed Nasruddin Bin Roslan, polytechnic student and C.L.A.R.E. volunteer


Volunteer as a community volunteer. C.L.A.R.E. volunteers are trained in standard first aid, eldercare first aid, befriending, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the use of automated external defibrillator (AED). Volunteers will be deployed to

  • Conduct fortnightly home visits
  • Be a first aider or first responder
  • Connect beneficiaries to Red Cross Services