Singapore Red Cross Council Member, Chairperson of the Fundraising Committee, former Red Cross Youth Cadet, passionate fundraiser and fervent advocate for the Singapore Red Cross cause, Ms Terene Seow, has orchestrated yet another successful fundraiser - the Singapore Red Cross Evergreen Luncheon Show 2023!
Held on 23 September at the Futsing Association, the Evergreen Luncheon Show 2023 raised close to $480,000 for the Singapore Red Cross' local humanitarian services. With Tote Board's generous funding, $580,000 was raised for SRC's local humanitarian efforts; including the Red Cross Home and Day Activity Centre for the Disabled, Elderly Community Befriending, Medical Chaperone & TransportAid, and Home Monitoring and Eldercare (HoME+).
Produced by the Black Cat Theatre Production, The Wui Chiu Fui Kun's 201st Anniversary Evergreen Luncheon Show 2023 was organised by Ms Terene Seow, the Organising Chairperson and Producer. Supported by the Dance Ensemble Singapore and Mdm Yan Choong Lian, the Founder and Artist Director, the Evergreen Luncheon Event was graced by the Guest-of-Honour Acting Minister of Transport and Senior Minister of State for Finance, Mr Chee Hong Tat, and special guest Member of Parliament of Yio Chu Kang SMC, Mr Yip Hon Weng.
The Evergreen Luncheon Show kicked off with an opening dance performance, enthralling the audience with their well-choreographed, dexterous dance moves, epitomising grace and beauty. The captivating dance performance, where dancers danced to the rhythm of a joyous celebration, brought joy to the audience.
The attendees then partook in a vegetarian luncheon, specially curated by the voluntary chefs. Served by volunteers, the attendees relished the creativity of the delectable local vegetarian cuisines.
Special Guest, MP Mr Yip Hon Weng, lent his vocals for a good cause as he belted out a popular tune from the 1970s, '月亮代表我的心' (The Moon Represents My Heart).
Singapore Red Cross Vice-Chairperson Ms Tracey Woon, also a former Red Cross Youth Cadet, delivered the speech.
"Evergreen Luncheon Show raises funds for the Singapore Red Cross’ local programmes, to provide practical support to uplift seniors who live alone; persons with severe disabilities; lower-income families, and their children and youth; and the migrant worker community. On behalf of our beneficiaries, I thank you, our donors and sponsors, for your warm and generous partnership, to serve the vulnerable and to enhance community resilience," Ms Woon said in her speech.
At a cheque presentation ceremony, donors and sponsors presented their cheques to the Singapore Red Cross. Certificates of appreciation were then presented to the donors, sponsors and the performers.
Other vocal performances ensued, with a medley of heartfelt English and Chinese ballads crooned by the volunteers.
Throughout the luncheon, the attendees watched videos showcasing the humanitarian efforts of the Singapore Red Cross; the Red Cross Home for the Disabled, the Meals with Love programme, and Transport Aid.
Another dance performance, 'Plenteous Love 4', ensued. The upbeat and sprightly performance depicted the versatility of the youth dancers, with their zestful, energetic and agile grooves.
A line dance by Calvary Community Centre injected joie de vivre and revelry into the event.
The Guest-of-Honour, Mr Chee Hong Tat, Acting Minister for Transport and Senior Minister of State for Finance, mesmerised the attendees by serenading them with two Chinese melodies '可可托海的牧羊人' (Ocean Shepherd) and '今生最爱的人' (The Love of My Life). The heartfelt and soulful rendition struck a chord in the audience's hearts.
The performers and volunteers' tireless contributions, and the altruistic and magnanimous support of the donors and sponsors bring help and hope to people in need. By standing in solidarity for a good cause, the donors, sponsors, performers, volunteers, backstage crew, and production team provide beneficiaries with the strength, tenacity, fortitude and resilience to stand strong in the face of adversity. They help to create a community where care, love and hope abound.
Photos by Billy Wong and James Tan, volunteer photographers