8th Singapore Humanitarian Conference by the Singapore Red Cross:
Thriving Sustainable Humanitarian Action for Climate Resilience
The Singapore Humanitarian Conference was created as a forum for the international aid community to engage representatives from the private sector to exchange ideas and provoke critical thinking on the realm of humanitarian problems in Singapore and abroad. The fundamental aim is also to drive innovation and support the ever-growing need for emergency aid and development programmes. The Conference is also used as a platform to showcase what the Singapore Red Cross has done over the past year. As every new year presents itself with new challenges, we would also like to tap onto the Conference to address our agenda for the upcoming year.
This year, anchoring this year’s theme of Thriving Sustainable Humanitarian Action for Climate Resilience, we hope to use this event as a platform to address the importance of making humanitarian operations more environmentally sustainable in order to promote climate resilience on both the local and global plane.
Date: Saturday, 19 August 2023
Guest of Honor: Ms Grace Fu, Minister of Sustainability and the Environment
Time: 09:00 - 13:30
Venue: Level 03, Heliconia Ballroom - Sands Expo and Convention Center