The Singapore Red Cross (SRC) hosted a Forum on The Future of Humanitarian Action on Saturday, 19 March 2022, for 300 guests, at Shangri-La Singapore.
When visiting our exhibition, Guest-of-Honour Deputy Prime Minister Mr Heng Swee Keat was struck by the breadth and scope of the Singapore Red Cross’ work, both here and overseas.
He noted that locally, the Singapore Red Cross continues to galvanise its community to take action to support vulnerable groups, such as at-risk youth and the differently-abled. Internationally, the Singapore Red Cross plays a proactive and wide-ranging role too — coordinating an international COVID-19 response, assisting those hit by natural disasters, and supporting relief and recovery of affected communities in Ukraine and Afghanistan.
Photo by Wong Leong Jeam, Volunteer
In his speech, Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies Mr Heng Swee Keat said that it is important for the world to come together in the spirit of solidarity, to overcome our present and future challenges together.
“While we are a small country, we believe in playing our part in contributing towards building a better world. I am glad that the Singapore Red Cross continues to play a proactive and responsible role in the global commons.”
DPM Heng Swee Keat said, “By galvanising the community to take action, you have made a real difference. This is the kind of spirit that the Singapore Together movement seeks to build on.” (Photo by Lai Wei Song, Volunteer)
In his keynote address, Singapore Red Cross Chairman Mr Tan Kai Hoe spoke on ‘Challenges of Humanitarian Action in Today’s Environment — the Singapore Red Cross perspective’, where he called for an integrated approach by the social, public and commercial sectors to meet the increasingly complex humanitarian challenges ahead.
SRC Chairman emphasised the need for an integrated approach to facing humanitarian challenges, adding that the charity sector and social service agencies must leverage their collective strengths and complement each other's work by sharing resources and expertise. (Photo by Lai Wei Song, Volunteer)
He also laid out SRC’s priorities beyond the pandemic, noting that Covid-19 will likely be followed by more crises ahead, such as new pandemics, natural disasters and the adverse effects of climate change.
"While these represent possible threats to the stability of our society, we should also view them as catalysts that challenge us to do better."
In her welcome remarks, the Singapore Red Cross Forum organising chairperson Mrs Genevieve (Peggy) Jeffs introduced the Organising Committee (below) and thanked all donors, sponsors, supporters and advertisers for their continuous support.
From left: SRC Chairman Mr Tan Kai Hoe, Ms Angela Loh, Ms Ganna Lysenko, Ms Jeanna Chan, Mr Ali Nael, Co-chairperson Mr Benedict Teo, Chairperson Mrs Genevieve (Peggy) Jeffs (Photo by Wong Leong Jeam, Volunteer)
At the event, Mr Randy Lianggara (leftmost in photo) made a personal donation of $120,000 to the Singapore Red Cross for humanitarian programmes to uplift the vulnerable in Singapore.
Photo by Wong Leong Jeam, Volunteer
After a sumptuous 4-course dinner, a panel discussion ensued, with Ms Eunice Olsen, Social Advocate and Goodwill Ambassador for Singapore Red Cross; Ms Chew Gek Hiang, Council Member of Tan Chin Tuan Foundation; Ms Adeline Ong, Senior Vice President, Head of Group Strategic Communications and Branding at Frasers Property; and Singapore Red Cross Secretary General/CEO Mr Benjamin William (chair/moderator) engaging delegates on humanitarian trends and challenges, and community investments in this new norm.
Photo by Lai Wei Song, Volunteer
The Singapore Red Cross thanks our delegates, comprising esteemed donors and their distinguished guests, business leaders, fundraisers and volunteers for joining us at the Singapore Red Cross Forum.
Cover Photo by Mr Carlos Monforte
Watch the Singapore Red Cross Forum 2022 - The Future of Humanitarian Action.