On 13 May 2023, 26 volunteers from Border Mission and Singapore Red Cross (SRC) gathered at a void deck in Yishun to celebrate Mothers' Day with 49 senior beneficiaries of Singapore Red Cross' Community Befriending programme. Singapore Red Cross Council Member and founder of Border Mission, Mr George Goh, engaged the seniors and sponsored their buffet lunch, gifts, and flowers. Our volunteer photographer and photojournalist, Lai Wei Song, documented this meaningful time of connection and community.
Volunteers helped out with the registration and welcoming participants to the event.
Our volunteer emcee, Kingkok Yeu, kicked off the event with a warm welcome to the seniors from the Singapore Red Cross Community Befriending programme, who are also residents of Yishun.
Volunteers and seniors gave it their all during the karaoke session, belting out classics and oldies.
Singapore Red Cross Council Member, Mr George Goh, is also the founder of Border Mission, the organisation that sponsored the buffet lunch, gifts and flowers for the event, delivered the opening address. Mr Goh shared about his late mother, who passed away in 2018, but remained close to his heart. He highlighted the instrumental role she played in his life. Kind and caring, she was different from his father, who would not hesitate to brandish the 'rotan'.
Mr Goh then concluded his speech by expressing his gratitude to every mother for their labour of love, tireless contributions and selfless sacrifice throughout their lives. Paying tribute to all mothers, he shared, "Every mother is a great mother," to resounding applause.
As the buffet commenced, Mr Goh's wife, Lysa, was there to greet the seniors as well.
During the rousing karaoke session, Mr Goh also sang a Malay folk song, to the delight of the audience.
Food was served by volunteers, alongside Mr Goh, as the seniors had an enjoyable time catching up with one other.
Mr Goh mingled with the seniors, exchanging stories about life and family.
One senior shared that her father had once worked with Yusof Ishak, the first President of the Republic of Singapore.
At the karaoke session, two seniors mesmerised the audience with a duet.
The crowd was particularly impressed with one of the seniors, who sang ‘上海滩’ [Shang Hai Tan], a beloved theme song from the 80s.
The seniors were eager to collect their gifts and have their photos taken with Mr George Goh, their favourite person of the day.
A volunteer from the Red Cross Young Hearts programme presented a carnation to each mother present at the event to show our appreciation.
All 26 volunteers from both SRC and Border Mission worked tirelessly behind the scenes, ensuring that each attendee had an enjoyable time and received their vouchers and gifts.
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