To celebrate World First Aid Day, the Singapore Red Cross (SRC) and 3M Nexcare™ launched an outreach programme for primary school children at Bedok Community Centre on 20 September, with the aim of nurturing young life savers and prepare school-going children to be one step ahead during times of emergencies.
Through an engaging first aid skit and hands-on activities, more than 180 primary and secondary school students from various schools learnt the importance of first aid, wound care and home safety at the fun-filled event.
Selected students from the audience also learnt how to apply a bandage properly and proper treatments for wounds. The skit Bandage Brothers is specially commissioned by the SRC with the belief that first aid should be accessible to all – especially the young.
[Insert photo Launch of First Aid Skit - 1]
“Learning first aid is the cornerstone of building an empowered, resilient community, whilst the act of giving first aid speaks of a matured society where people care for one another. To achieve the national goal of one first aider in every home, we need to start by inspiring the children and youth - our future pillars of society - to learn first aid and embrace first aid learning as a way of life,” Mr Tee Tua Ba, SRC Chairman
After the launch of skit, Red Cross volunteers distributed 100 first aid kits to households with elderly in the vicinity. This is part of SRC’s Community Led Action REsilience (C.L.A.R.E.) programme, which mobilises neighbourhood-based volunteers to provide first response, first aid, eldercare and befriending service to vulnerable groups in their community.
The first-of-its-kind outreach programme – which includes the skit and other interactive activities - will travel to primary schools across Singapore, starting with Fairfield Methodist Primary School from September 22. The target is to visit at least 12 schools per year, reaching out to 10,000 children in the first year. The school line-up after the initial launch includes River Valley Primary School, Corporation Primary School, and Concord Primary School.
“We are very pleased to launch this programme with our strategic partner 3M Nexcare™. Hopefully, through our collective effort, we can empower school-going children with first aid skills that can stand them in good stead to handle emergencies in life,” he added.
[Insert photo SRC & 3M]
Ms Renee Chua, General Manager of 3M Consumer Business Group, said: “For more than 50 years, 3M has been a leader in innovative healthcare products. At 3M Nexcare™, we are all about developing quality first aid products for a family’s skin healing needs which is why we are happy to continue our collaboration with the Singapore Red Cross through today’s launch as it allows us to thank those who give of their time to administer first aid and also to encourage young students to get involved by learning how first aid can save lives. This is also in line with our annual global initiative – Nexcare Give, where the theme this year is “Creating a Culture of Giving.”
This is the second collaboration between Singapore Red Cross and 3M Nexcare™. Last year, SRC and 3M jointly produced first aid booklets that included basic first aid tips and simple steps to common injuries.
[Insert photo collage of distribution of first aid kit & food packs]
Bandage Brothers is a 45-minute interactive skit, that explains the importance of a first aid kit, debunks myths of do’s and don’ts with regard to caring for common injuries, and provides advice on home safety, all through humour and engaging activities. All participants of the programme will be presented with an activity booklet and a special SG50 pack of Nexcare bandages. This is available free-of-charge to all primary schools with Red Cross Youth units! If you are interested to bring this outreach programme to your school, please register your interest with vincent.toh@redcross.sg. The Singapore Red Cross Academy offers comprehensive workshops for those keen to learn more! Enquire with academy@redcross.sg for the Young First Aid (for children aged between five to seven years old) or Junior First Aid (for kids aged eight to 11 years old). |