As couples celebrate Valentine's Day on 14 February, we recognise the contributions of couples who volunteer together. Lydia Lee, 30, an HR Specialist, and Dr Girvan Tay, 28, a doctor, share their volunteering journey with the Singapore Red Cross, and how love blossomed between them!
- How and when did you first meet your partner?
Lydia: We first met when the Singapore Red Cross Community Engagement department established a Community First Aid workgroup. Girvan represented the Home Monitoring and Eldercare (HoME+) and First Aider on Wheels (FAOW) while I represented the Civil Emergency team.
Girvan: Honestly, I do not remember. For the longest time, I saved her number as Lydia TransportAid, and that contact was created in 2018! She was a driver for an event where I volunteered as a first aider.
- When did you get together?
We started seeing each other in a different light after conducting a few training sessions together. We then connected outside of those training sessions! We officially became a couple in November 2023. The rest is history!
- What are the qualities you like about your partner?
Lydia: Girvan is communicative. He takes time to listen with empathy before responding. These are not only invaluable traits in a partner but are also greatly appreciated in first aiders. Girvan is passionate about improving anything that he comes across. He sees the potential of these humanitarian programmes, and is committed to bringing them to the next level. He pulls people and resources together to realise their potential for the greater good.
Girvan: Lydia has this natural warmth and approachability that makes people instantly comfortable to be around. At one of our workgroup meetings, Lydia interacted with all of us, getting to know us individually. She is responsible and always puts others (beneficiaries, volunteers, or those she cares about) before herself. Her wit and humour make her a joy to be around. I felt instantly comfortable exchanging jokes with her. Her zeal, passion, and infinite capacity to care have inspired me. These are traits I treasure and made me fall in love with her.
- What motivated you to volunteer?
Lydia: I came because of the first aid training sponsorship ;) I stayed for the opportunities. Singapore Red Cross has several programmes serving different groups of people locally. There is always something I can help or contribute to in some way. I always share with volunteers looking to start volunteering "just explore, you are bound to find something you like". Most of us started off being trained in first aid. There are so many other ways one can contribute. The opportunities are endless! I can’t forget where I started - FAOW and first aid events.
Girvan: I realise that unseen ‘crises’ can occur at any time, particularly those affecting physical and psychological well-being. Individuals lacking social support may deteriorate faster. Cognisant of this, it’s only natural for many volunteers - including myself - to volunteer to ensure the well-being of individuals who have navigated adversities in life. We hope they will overcome their challenges with resilience, fortitude and an indomitable spirit.
- When did you volunteer together?
Both: We started interacting more when the Community First Aid workgroup was established in December 2021. We also volunteered together for other events, such as the National Day Parade 2022, where we volunteered in different capacities and Volunteer Induction Sessions where we shared about Community First Aid (CFA). It was a coincidence that we were both regular volunteers scheduled for the same shifts.
- How do you feel about volunteering together?
Both: It is always great knowing that we are here for the same purpose and can depend on each other to step up, serving in both volunteer and leadership roles as required. As we lead up different programmes, there have been multiple occasions when one of us would report to the other. It is always inspiring to see each other in our respective elements.
- How many times have you volunteered? Do you hope to continue? What keeps you going?
Lydia: Too many to count, I have been volunteering with the Singapore Red Cross for over 10 years! I am definitely looking to continue, I recently transitioned to volunteering with Community Health Outreach for Wellness (CHoW) in their migrant worker programmes. Though Girvan did not start volunteering till much later, he has clocked 2,000 volunteer hours in 2019 alone 😮
Girvan: I have no intention of stopping in the foreseeable future. As long as there is a role and opportunity for me to serve in the SRC, I will continue providing a helping hand in any capacity I can.
- What message would you like to spread about volunteering, and volunteering together with your loved ones?
Girvan: I speak for both of us when I say we are doing what we love, with the people we love. It always brings satisfaction like no other.
Lydia: People we love include our fellow volunteers, beneficiaries, and clients! Shout out to the Community First Aid (CFA) workgroup, especially Dr Sean Elliot Png! We encourage people to try volunteering, they might find someone they can vibe with!
- What are your plans for Valentine's Day?
Girvan: We're going on a hike with Lydia's colleagues. Lydia made a reservation for a nice dinner that evening. I've prepared a gift for her. I am keeping it as a surprise. I look forward to surprising her with it.
- How did Girvan propose?
Lydia: Originally, I thought he would propose with our custom wedding bands we made a few months ago. However, he secretly custom-made an engagement ring for the occasion. He contacted my siblings and a few of my close friends and planned a surprise at Gardens by the Bay's Floral Fantasy. He went down on one knee first. However, we realised that the camera angle from where our friends were was not ideal so he had to redo it, haha 😂 To be fair, it wasn't much of a surprise as he's bad at keeping things from me. But it was still a jubilant moment for both of us.
- Girvan, how did you feel when Lydia said yes?
Girvan: We have always known we would get married quite early in our relationship.
Lydia: We have a similar sense of humour and value the same things in life. I can be vulnerable and myself around him, and he makes me feel comforted and loved.
Girvan: During our first date, I thought 'We think alike across various topics". As we progressed, I realised we complement each other and inspire each other to be better versions of ourselves when we're together. I believe the person one marries should be someone whom one is committed to making the relationship last through thick and thin. There is no one else I'd rather do that with than Lydia. When she said "yes", it wasn't unexpected. But it was still momentous as it symbolised that we were one big step closer to becoming a married couple.
- Lydia, how did you feel when Girvan proposed?
Lydia: We like to joke that I like glittery items. When I received a new shiny ring from him, I was overjoyed. It was also nice to have some of our friends there, sharing the pivotal moment with us.
- When is your big day?
Both: It's in November 2025! Not too far away now.
- Would you continue to volunteer together after you get married? If so, why? Would you also encourage other couples to volunteer together? Why?
Both: Yes we will! We have no plans to stop volunteering as volunteering is central to our personality and as a couple. Most of our mutual friends are from the SRC. We are Volunteer Leaders of the respective programmes we are deeply invested in. To couples out there who are considering volunteering together, go for it! Doing something you love, with someone you love, is one of the best experiences you can have as a couple. Volunteering together will enable you to discover something new about your partner and grow closer together.
Inspired? Volunteer with us! Check out Lydia's and Girvan's individual volunteering stories below. Putting First Aid Skills to Good Use (Lydia) |