To commemorate World Red Cross Day, the Singapore Red Cross (SRC) is organising Grateful Hearts 2022 - Paint the City Red, with Love! with Grateful Hearts!, our annual signature fundraiser, from 8 May to 31 July 2022. We invite everyone to come together to send help and hope to the vulnerable. Your partnership can translate directly to social good, and make a real impact in the community. When you support the Red Cross, you help the severely disabled, the isolated elderly and the low-income skipped-generation / single parent families.
Let’s Paint the City Red! We would like to invite you to join us in the following ways:
- Make a one-time individual donation to the Singapore Red Cross and receive 250% tax deduction!
- Register your interest to adopt a pledge card (Volunteering Hours/CIP points will be awarded)
- Organise a fundraising event
- Make a one-time corporate donation to the Singapore Red Cross and receive 250% tax deduction!
- Place donation tins at your premises
- Organise a fundraising event as an organisation. Eg. selling crafts, sports competition, concert and donate the proceeds
Ways to Donate
Online Donation:
- Credit/Debit Card
- PayNow* UEN S86CC0370ETSP
- Bank Transfer* to DBS 0010339664
*Please state <SRC GHD22> in the Reference section
Cheque Donation:
Please write cheque payable to *Singapore Red Cross Society* and mail to: 15 Penang Lane, Singapore 238486. Indicate *GHD2022* full name, IC no & address at the back.
For enquiries, please give Mr Muhammad Faris a call at 6664 0550 or email us.