Youth Members

Participation in activities of the Red Cross Youth is also extended to individuals who join the Singapore Red Cross Society as a Youth Member, or existing Red Cross Youth members who are keen to conduct Disaster Risk Reduction advocacy at the community level.

Through this youth-led action platform, the Red Cross Youth provides volunteers with a seamless transition from student life into adulthood and opportunities to hone skills in project management.

Youth Members @ Districts (YM @ Districts)

As part of its ongoing efforts to advocate Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and build community resilience, the Singapore Red Cross Youth (RCY) has organised many activities to prepare the local community for adversity.

In particular, YM @ Districts forges strategic partnerships with other Youth Sector organisations to conduct outreach and advocacy activities.

First Aid Fiesta

first aid fiesta

In 2017, RCY spearheaded the “First Aid Fiesta” (FAF), a series of carnivals aimed at engaging the residents on the importance of readiness and first aid awareness through fun and engaging activities. Subsequently, RCY launched “GO Bags”, a specially-curated emergency preparedness kit that is designed to help individuals / families in times of emergencies, such as house fires and blackouts. In particular, “GO Bags” are specially designed to enable families to evacuate and to respond quickly to such emergencies, and to tide them over while they wait for help.

Elderly Mapping

elderly mapping

Ongoing discussions led to the introduction of Elderly Mapping, which involves door-to-door visits by RCY members and volunteers to check up on the residents within the community that we support. Through the Elderly Mapping, the YM @ Districts team will invite residents, particularly isolated elderly and the vulnerable, to be part of our ongoing DRR programmes, which include mitigation revisits and essential aid distribution, to ensure their well-being in both peacetime and during emergencies.

Mitigation Revisits and Essential Aid Distribution

essential aid distribution

Mitigation revisits and essential aid distribution are pivotal to the nation’s and community’s efforts against impacts of endemic diseases and emergencies. The YM @ Districts team stays connected with our community partners and initiates revisits in times of crisis such as spike in dengue cases and worsening haze situations, just to name a few. The team distributes essential aid care pack items relevant to the crisis at hand while disseminating advocacy messages.

The YM @ Districts also extend support towards other youth-led initiatives such as Project R.I.C.E+ and national initiatives that fit such intentions, such as the #SGUnited Buka Puasa Food Distribution initiative in 2020 and Temasek Foundation Mask Distribution initiative in 2021.

TF mask distribution

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